FORMATEX23 Project ( ) is in full speed with FORMATEX23 Table Top Exercise being successfully finalized. The TTX involved national and regional emergency response organisations and structures as well as specific emergency response elements (CBRN detection, DECON, Industrial Fire Services, etc.) from all over Austria. UCPM Modules active in the field of CBRN hazards, as well as technical experts were filling the operational gap in the local and national response organisation.
Thanks to an amazing group of motivated professionals the TTX provided the possibility
to train and deepen the knowledge of the participants in requesting and managing international assistance (by following HNS Guidelines) and the activation of the mechanism. The TTX was also a scenario validation and quality assurance aspect for the full scale exercise that will take place in September.
FORMATEX23 Project aims to improve capabilities of agencies, emergency services and the Union Civil Protection Mechanism in preparedness for and response to Natech disasters, especially targeting emergency response and management during complex multi hazard events with a focus on CBRN hazards and environmental pollution.
Project is funded by by the European Commission Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and implemented by consortium consisting of IRIS (Austria), Resilience Solutions International (Austria), IB Consultancy (The Netherlands), Ministerul Afacerilor Internre (Romania), Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen (Germany), Ministere de l´interieur (France), Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service (Germany), Rijksinstituut Voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (The Netherlands), Estonian Rescue Board (Estonia).